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Playing Sports教学设计

12-26 13:45:35   浏览次数:957  栏目:初二英语教案
标签:初二英语教案模板,初中英语教案模板, Playing Sports教学设计,http://www.2xuewang.com

Playing Sports教学设计

Teaching aims :

Learn new words such as : cloudy, sunny ,windy ,rainy. baseball. soccer. basketball. badminton.

Be familiar with these sentences : I am hot. Me too.  How is the weather?

Teaching key words and difficulty words:

cloudy, sunny ,windy ,rainy, baseball. soccer. basketball. badminton.

Teaching aids :

CAI. Pictures,cloudy、sunny、 windy 、rainy、baseball、 soccer、basketball、badminton

Teaching steps:



(2):Do actions:

Show unit4 actions to the students.

Ask number one group to control 1 and 2 actions.

Ask number two group to control 3 and 4 and 5actions.

Ask number three group to control 6 and7 and 8 actions


Hello. Everyone. Do you feel hot?I am hot . look ,Today is sunny !

T:You did a great job , congratulations! It seems that most of you have got these words .

This lesson ,in unit 5 we gonna make our language be more specific and more accurate.

Step3:Teaching the vocabulary :

( put the “sunny”picture on the blackboard)

T: read after me ,please . sunny sunny. Sunny

Then ask some Ss to read it .

1.     Show the next picture of the weather “cloudy”

then ask some Ss to read it .

2.     Show the next picture of weather “windy”. Teacher could mime the sound of windy ,then ask Ss to read after the teacher ;

3.     Show Ss “rainy”  picture .Teacher could mime the actions of open a umbrella ,then ask several Ss to read “rainy” together with the teacher.

4.     Show the picture baseball to the Ss. Teacher could mime the action of play baseball . ask a line of Ss to read it aloud one by one .

5.     Show the picture that some ants are playing basketball .Explain that basket in native language : basket in Chinese means 篮子.ask several Ss to read it .

6.     Show the picture that two monkeys are playing soccer .then ask one student to read it .

7.     Show the picture of badminton ( the teacher can also show the real object),then ask several Ss to read it .

After this ,play the game of “who is the number one ?”point to one of the picture , to see who is the number one to read it out ,and give a praise .

Step4: Teaching the dialogs :

T: Now, please look at the screen .

 Who is he ? He is Jia Ming .Who is she ?She is MeiLing. ok ,let us to see what happens .Please listen to the tape .

>>《Playing Sports教学设计》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.2xuewang.com网]www.2xuewang.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。

        I am hot . Me .too .

Ask several Ss to stand up and play as the different roles of this dialogs .

T: who can come to the front and play as JiaMing without your book ?

Ask several Ss to act the dialogs without books.

T : please look at the screen ,Beth has a basketball .they are telling to go to play basketball .

Ask Ss to read after it . then ask several Ss to play the dialog .

T : the pandas are talking about the weather .let us find out ! ( play the video clip )

Ask Ss to read after the video .


  Sing a song.

Homework :

Listen and read all the new words

>>《Playing Sports教学设计》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.2xuewang.com网]www.2xuewang.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。,Playing Sports教学设计
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