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高一英语unforgettable experience教案

12-26 13:39:33   浏览次数:712  栏目:高一英语教案
标签:高一英语教案模板,高中英语教案模板, 高一英语unforgettable experience教案,http://www.2xuewang.com
Next, …
Then, …
Finally, …  First, …
Next, …
Then, …
Finally, …  First, …
Next, …
Then, …
Finally, …
  Step 2. While-reading
1. Pose a question: What is the text about? --- About how Flora and Jeff rescue themselves in the flood.
2. Listen to the tape once, and ask them to answer questions:
What happened to them finally? ---- Survive
How did they make it? ---- Stay in the room with a chimney
Why? --------It’s the strongest part of the house. (Para 8 and Para 11)
3. Ask Ss to read the whole passage carefully, and then fill in the table below.
What did she see and feel?  Next
What did they do in the first and second wave?  Then
What happened when another wave came?    Finally
What happened to them?
4.  According to the table, ask Ss to catch the main idea of the whole story. Choose some Ss to retell.
5.  Language study
Paragraph 1
1)  Heard somebody shouting / saw Jeff running
See / hear sb doing -------- I heard him singing next door last night.
See / hear sb do ------- I heard him sing next door.
Compare the differences between the two.
2) The attributive clause: it’s a part of a sentence, and tells us which person or thing(or what kind of person or thing)the speaker means.
3) Look around:  
4) Roar: (n) loud and deep sound of a lion ,thunder, or a person in pain
         (v) make loud and deep sound
5) Advance:  (v) move forward or develop --- Our troops ~d two miles.
             ---- The water is ~ing on/upon/towards her.
         (n) in advance: beforehand --- if you want to come here for your holiday, please call me ~.                 
6) Be upon: be close to
Paragraph 2
7) Seize: take hold of suddenly and violently
Paragraph 3
8) Sweep : clean and clear away --- e.g.  sweep the dust from the carpets 
          sweep down: knock down by the water
sweep away (Para 9)—e.g.  s~ the dead leaves
9) Swallow: allow to go down the throat, here means she was taken in by the  water and disappeared.
10) Drag: pull along with effort and difficulty
11) Go down :go lower; set ---- e.g.  The price of egg has gone down.
            The sun is going down.
            Here means they were swallowed by the water
   Go through: pass --- e.g. A terrible noise went through the house. (Para 10)
             experience, suffer --- e.g.  ~ hardships
Paragraph 4
12) Against: indicating support and close --- e.g. place the ladder ~ the wall
13) Struggle: make great efforts
         Struggle against --- e.g. ~ against difficulties
14) Get on her feet: stand up
15) Fight for her life: try her best to rescue herself
16) Look into: stare at--- e.g.  Jeff and Flora looked into each other’s face.
            examine, investigate --- e.g.  ~ a question

高一英语unforgettable experience教案由www.2xuewang.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.2xuewang.com
www.2xuewang.com 17)  With a look of: here look is a noun, and means appearance on one’s face
18) Fright: fear ----- e.g.  give sb a ~;  take ~ at sth
      Frighten (v) :scare ---- e.g.  The great noise ~ed me.
Paragraph 6
19) Flow: move along as a river does ------ e.g.  Rivers ~into the sea.
           The tears ~ed from her eyes.
Paragraph 7
20) Strike: hit, give a blow to   ---- e.g.  ~ while the iron is hot.
          The clock is ~ing 12.
21) Cracking noise: When the house was broken with lines of division, it made such sudden sharp noise. 
 Paragraph 8      
22) Fall down: crash, break down        /fail --- e.g.  ~ on one’s promise
      Paragraph 9
23)  Noun + after + Noun : indicating the succession.  Tree after tree; day after day; year after year
24) Must have done: He is sleepy this morning. He must have slept very late    last night.
Must be doing: e.g.  I hears loud voices next door. They must be quarrelling.
Must do:  e.g.  He is Tom’s best friend. He must know his E-mail.
Step 3.  Post-reading
1) Ask Ss to find these sentences below and then work out what the underlined words refer to?
 Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. -------a loud noise
 There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her. ------behind her
 She wanted to watch it. --------- a wall of water
 Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying. ---------- flora’s
 For some moments both were silent. --------- Jeff and Flora
2) Do the exercises in page26
Step 8. Homework
workbook   Reading 
Revise the key points of this Unit.
Period 4.  Grammar
Teaching aims and demands
1. The students are asked to master the Grammar :
 2. Integrating Skill: reading
3. Oral practice: manipulate oral practice relevant to the reading material.
Key points: grammar and reading
Teaching methods: Reading —Sentence structure----explanation
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision

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,高一英语unforgettable experience教案
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