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高一英语unforgettable experience教案

12-26 13:39:33   浏览次数:712  栏目:高一英语教案
标签:高一英语教案模板,高中英语教案模板, 高一英语unforgettable experience教案,http://www.2xuewang.com
d)  Then I heard people climbing towards me.
e)   A team of people had come to see if anyone was under the broken road.
6.   Listen again to check and make some explanation.
7.   Ask Ss to tell the whole story (using first, next ,then, finally)
Step3  Exercise in the workbook (Page 103)
   Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice and then complete the table.
Name  Chrissy  Jack  Dr. Brown  Ms. Brown
Job  Student  Student  Doctor  Teacher
Address  Tianjing  Beijing  /  Tianjing
Age  19  Young  Old  Middle-aged
Looks  Glasses  Tall  Hat  Purple dress
Evaluation of teaching:

Period 2. Speaking and talking
Teaching objectives
1.Develop the students’ comprehension of explorative passages, especially their ability of speaking
and talking ,analyzing the structure of such kind of articles.
2.Offer the students chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about the
film outside the class.
3. Infuse the students with basic knowledge about the experience
4. Learn some words and useful expressions from the text.
Teaching Approach
1municative Approach should be used throughout the class. Stress should be laid on:
2.Learner-centeredness; learning-centeredness
3.Task-based learning
4.Activity-based teaching (class work; individual work; group work)
Teaching type: Speaking and talking
Teaching Procedure
Step 1. Report in class  A student is asked to report something interesting he or she picks up from
newspaper or magazines.
Step 2.Review and check  Ss have a word dictation and check their homework in workbook
Step 3. Speaking
1.  Read the dialogue in P23 in pairs, and act out.
2.  Give explanations of some phrases in the dialogue.
Be good at: do well in            For fun: not seriously
3.  Ask Ss to find out the expressions about offering help, encouraging others and giving advice.
--- Don’t worry! / Just try / you can do it / Well done! / That was a very good ball.
4.  Introduce them some other useful expressions.
When in danger:  Help!
When in frighten:  It scares me. / I’ m afraid to…
When encouraging sb:  It will be ok. / Come on! / Keep trying. / It’s all right.
5.  Ask Ss to describe the three pictures on P23. Then the teacher introduce the three different situations.
Pic1. You have just been saved from a terrible earthquake and you worry about your family.
Pic2. Your neighbor will take cars of your favorite pet while you go on a holiday.
Pic3. Your house is on fire but there is still a little girl sleeping in the bedroom on the second floor.
Then ask Ss to make dialogues according to these situations, using these useful expressions, and choose several pairs to act out.
Step 4. Talking
1.  Give the Brief introduction of the situation: one discovered the tomb of a Chinese King while he was working. He went in and had a look, but didn’t touch anything. Then a scientist came 3 days later, so they began to talk about the tomb.
2.  Role-play: Ask Ss to work in pairs to make up a dialogue. One acts the person who find the tomb. The other one acts the scientist from Beijing. They can read questions on P103 first, and then choose some of them to make up their dialogues.
Step 5. Homework
Revise the key points of this Unit.
Evaluation of teaching:

Period 3. Reading

Teaching objectives
1. Develop the students’ comprehension of reading explorative passages, especially their
ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles.
2. Offer the students chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about the film outside the class.
3. Infuse the students with basic knowledge about the friend and friendship
4. Learn some words and useful expressions from the text.
Teaching Approach
1municative Approach should be used throughout the class. Stress should be laid on:
2.Learner-centeredness; learning-centeredness
3.Task-based learning
4.Activity-based teaching (class work; individual work; group work)
Teaching type: Reading comprehension
Teaching Procedure
Step 1.  Pre-reading
1. Tell Ss: Do you remember Hank Stram’s terrible experience? He was trapped in the earthquake for
about 14 hours .It is really an unforgettable experience for him. As we all know, the earthquake is a kind of natural disasters. Then can you list some other natural disasters?

高一英语unforgettable experience教案由www.2xuewang.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.2xuewang.com
www.2xuewang.com 2.  Write down their answers on the blackboard---- Flood, Typhoon, Hurricane, Volcanic eruption, Thunder storms, Snow storm, Fire …
3.  Tell Ss: Among these disasters, I think most of us have experienced the Typhoons, right? Then can you describe what it was like and how you felt?  Ask some Ss to give their ideas.
4.  Pose question:  If you are riding a bicycle on the road, and the typhoon is coming, then what would you see / feel / do? Please use first, next, then, and finally in your description.
Ask two or three Ss to give their description.
5.  Pose question: Have you ever experienced such natural disasters?
If yes, ask them to describe. If no, ask them to use their imagination and discuss in groups to describe what would they see / feel / do in other situations. Then choose several groups to present their ideas using first, next, then, and finally.

Disaster  Typhoon  Flood  Earthquake  Fire
Situation  You’re riding a bicycle on the road.  You’re in the classroom.  You’re sleeping in your bedroom.  You’re shopping in a supermarket.
What would you see / feel / do?  First, …
Next, …
Then, …
Finally, …  First, …

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,高一英语unforgettable experience教案
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