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新目标八年级英语下册Unit8 What should I get my mom?第三课时教案

05-30 18:33:10   浏览次数:297  栏目:初二英语教案
标签:初二英语教案模板,初中英语教案模板, 新目标八年级英语下册Unit8 What should I get my mom?第三课时教案,http://www.2xuewang.com


  dog, cat, goldfish, hamster, turtle, parrot, spider, pot-bellied pig, rabbit


  Teacher:  What’s the best pet for me?

  Student 1: A cat?

  Teacher:  Oh, that’s not friendly enough.

  Student 2: A dog?

  Teacher:  En, that’s friendly. But dogs are too difficult to take care of.

  Student 3: A hamster?

  Teacher:  That’s interesting. Hamsters are popular. They’re also quiet and clean. But I don’t like hairy animals.

  Student 4: A goldfish?

  Teacher:  Maybe it’s a good idea! Fish are easy to take care of. They are quiet and beautiful.

  OK, I’ll buy some after work. Thank you for your suggestions.






good company

spend too much time


  Possible answers:

  A: I think every kid should have a pet. Because one family has only one child. Pets can be good company.

  B: I don’t think so. Animals usually are noisy and dirty.

  A: But you can clean it everyday.

  B: Of course I can. But it spends too much time.

  A: Maybe you can ask your mother to help you.

  B: But that’s my pet, not my mother’s.

  A: Wow……


  上次课作业答案Section B 

  2a answers: 5  2  1  4  3

  2b answers: hamster: friendly, nice, short hair

  snake:   too scary, interesting

  goldfish: too boring, easy to take care of

  dog:  beautiful, too hairy

  cat:  nice, not friendly enough

教案《新目标八年级英语下册Unit8 What should I get my mom?第三课时教案》,来自www.2xuewang.com网!http://www.2xuewang.com

,新目标八年级英语下册Unit8 What should I get my mom?第三课时教案
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