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公司竞争Company Competition

10-21 13:59:31   浏览次数:501  栏目:办公英语
标签:办公英语口语,日常办公英语,办公英语词汇, 公司竞争Company Competition,http://www.2xuewang.com

    The market's becoming more and more competitive.

    We have both strength and weakness at the moment.

    Our product is easy to install and requires less training than our competitors'.

    Our weakness lies in the market penetration.

    We depended too much on product quality, not enough on promotion.

    Our marketing isn't effective enough.

    We must put more effort into advertising.

    We're not taking the opportunity to dominate the small business user market.

    They've got a much more impressive dealer network.

    We're doing well in product development now.

    They've been developing rapidly and now are the biggest in terms of market share.

    Their products are sold at higher prices but the annual return shows greater profitability.

    High market share and profitability are equally important.

    Our products aren't highly priced but less attractive.

    We must hold on to our market share and increase profitability.

    That company has its own weakness at the moment.

    They entered the market at the same time as us but are now overtaking us.

    We must be aware of the threat our company's facing.

    Our after-sales team is more qualified and more efficient.

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tag: 办公英语,办公英语口语,日常办公英语,办公英语词汇,行政秘书 - 办公英语

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