

10-21 14:01:54   浏览次数:952  栏目:办公英语
标签:办公英语口语,日常办公英语,办公英语词汇, 商务文化之办公室政治词汇,http://www.2xuewang.com

  The process through which information gets spread unofficially throughout the company. Can be word of mouth, email, or even a hand-written piece of paper. In most companies, news, rumors, gossip and information can spread to hundreds or thousands of employees in a very short time.
  Brown-nosing / kissing up / sucking up
  Being overly friendly with the boss, or upper management, or anybody with some power or control, with the intent of getting favors from them, such as promotions, raises, bonuses, etc. In many cases, it is possible that there are other employees who merit these advantages more than the brown-noser.
  Malicious talk that undermines someone’s reputation or unfairly criticizes someones work when theyre not around.
  Loose talk to disclose something, often of questionable veracity, that is better kept to oneself. Can involve talking about an individual, a group, company issues. Can be business-related or personal.
  Similar to gossip, but usually more based on some factual element or half-truth.
  Rumor mongering
  Spreading a rumor with malicious intent.
  Gossip, rumors, information-spreading, etc. that takes place among employees of the same rank.
  Group of employees who stick together bound by common beliefs, interests, and/or personalities. They are usually resistant to allowing outsiders in who they feel are different from them.
  Kiss a lot of frogs
  Colloquial term used to describe an upwardly ambitious and aggressive person who wants to climb the ladder by having questionable relationships.
  Involves something damaging to the company or staff that was previously hidden and comes to light.

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