

12-26 13:23:57   浏览次数:890  栏目:办公英语
标签:办公英语口语,日常办公英语,办公英语词汇, 英语聊天缩略语2,http://www.2xuewang.com

    brb be right back
    brt be right there
    bs big smile
    bt byte this
    btdt been there done that
    btsoom beats the sh** out of me
    btw by the way
    btwbo be there with bells on
    bwdik but what do i know?
    bwo black, white or other

    c series
    ciao goodbye (in italian)
    cid consider it done
    cio check it out
    cis compuserve information service
    cmf count my fingers
    cof$ church of scientology
    craft can't remember a f***ing thing
    craws can't remember anything worth a sh**
    csl can't stop laughing
    ctc choaking the chicken
    cul8r see you later
    cwyl chat with you later
    cya cover your ass
     cyl see you later

    d series
     dbeyr don't believe everything you read
     dd due diligence
    ddd direct distance dial
    deti don't even think it
     dgt don't go there
    dhyb don't hold your breath
    dilligad do i look like i give a damn
    dilligas do i look like i give a sh**
     dkdc don't know don't care
     dltm don't lie to me
    dqydj don't quit you're day job
    drib don't read if busy
     dystsott did you see the size of that thing

    e series

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tag: 暂无联系方式办公英语,办公英语口语,日常办公英语,办公英语词汇,行政秘书 - 办公英语

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