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  • 名称:2011年中国零售业态发展调查英文版 下载
  • 类型:零售行业
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:10-17
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:985
  • 语言: 简体中文
  • 大小:951 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级

标签:零售行业分析,零售行业现状,零售行业解决方案, 本站提供2011年中国零售业态发展调查英文版免费下载,http://www.2xuewang.com
China Retail Market Development

2010 Retail Census Findings
Does Retail universe continue to expand?  
How big is our key channel (modern trade) as of today?
Any changes to the composition of modern trade outlet?

Retail Development As of 2010 Retail Market Study (Census)
China Retail Market Dynamics
China experienced strong economic growth in 2010 vs. 2010;
GDP climbed 9.5%
Retail Sales grew by 10.2%
Retail & Consumer Price indices grew at 2.8% & 3.9% respectively
China fully opened up its retail market on Dec 11th, 2010 in line with the WTO commitments
vigorous development will continue across 2010
China Market - Summary
China’s key economic indicators provide a favorable outlook for the overall market development, however…
Despite strong growth in these indicators there are more significant challenges for the retail market
Modern Trade continues to grow > 30% in terms of store count, far greater than the growth in retail sales
This has resulted in further downward pressure in comparable store sales
Intensified competition has & will continue to increase pressure on retailer and manufacturer margins
Implication to Retailers: Now, more than ever it is essential to understand your positioning in the market
To do so means knowing your shoppers needs better than your competitors today
Furthermore, to keep abreast of their evolving needs is now not ‘nice to know’ it is ‘ESSENTIAL TO KNOW’  
Implication to Manufacturers: High pressure for sales team to catch up with rapid outlet expansion
2010 ACNielsen Retail Market Study (Census)
The 9th national study
Covered over 1 million FMCG outlets in 165 cities & 236 towns in China (villages excluded)
400+ sample points selected out of 20100+ cities & towns based on stratified, disproportionate, systematic, random method.
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