
12-26 13:46:28   浏览次数:101  栏目:幼儿园大班其他教案
标签:幼儿园大班教案,幼儿园教案, Christmas(英语),


2、语句练习:"I like…"和 "I have…"。
3、学习单词Christmas, Santa Claus, gift, 了解单词gloves, socks.


一、 Free Talking(自由谈话)
Good morning, everyone. (Good-morning Eva.)
Can you sing a song with me? Yes or no? (Yes.)
2、歌曲:Good-morning to you
Today is the 25th, December. Do you know what day today is?
Oh, yes, it's Christmas. (Ok, I tell you it's Christmas.) Christmas means圣诞节. Merry Christmas.
How do you think about Christmas? You can say in Chinese. (Snow下雪, Santa Claus圣诞老人, Gifts礼物, etc.)

二、See the cartoon. (观看动画)
1、单词、语句跟读:Christmas, Santa Claus, gift.
I like snow. I have gifts.
2、Game: Dice, dice, I want six. (骰子游戏)
(圣诞老人敲门。) Now we have a guest outside, let's see who is it?

三、Game: Santa Claus's gifts (游戏:圣诞老人的礼物)
1、Ok, Santa Claus, it's Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: May I come in?
Eva: Yes, please.
Santa Claus: Hello, everyone.
Children: Hello, Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: Merry Christmas.
Eva: She says圣诞快乐。You can say "merry Christmas" too.
Children: Merry Christmas too.
Santa Claus: I have many gifts. Do you like them? Yes or no?
Children: Yes.
Eva: So many gifts. How can we get it?
Santa Claus: If you say what you like in English, you can get a gift.
Eva: I see. When I say "I like dinosaur", I can get it.
Santa Claus: Yes. Here you are.
Eva: Thank you. Now who can try?
Children: Let me try.
(每名幼儿说出句子"I like…"后即可获得一件礼物。)
Santa Claus: Ok, everyone has a gift. I must go now.
Eva: Let's say thank you again.
Children: Thank you, Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: Bye-bye.
Children: Bye-bye.
Ok, I have a dinosaur. I am happy. Are you happy? (Yes.) What do you

(幼儿轮流以句子"I have…"介绍自己得到的礼物。)

四、Gift Making (礼物制作)
Do you want to make gifts for the teacher, or you good friend? Yes or no? (Yes)
Ok, I give you these, What is it? (袜子,手套。) Socks袜子. Gloves手套.
You can paint in red, yellow, flowers, or the other. Please make it to a gifts, ok?


tag: 英语  幼儿园大班其他教案,幼儿园大班教案,幼儿园教案,幼儿教育 - 幼儿园教案 - 幼儿园大班教案 - 幼儿园大班其他教案

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