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安徽省皖西四校2016届高三下学期第一次联考英语试题 人教版

  • 名称:安徽省皖西四校2016届高三下学期第一次联考英语试题 人教版 下载
  • 类型:高考英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:12-26
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:705
  • 语言: 简体中文
  • 大小:462 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级
《安徽省皖西四校2016届高三下学期第一次联考英语试题 人教版》简介

标签:高考英语试卷,高考试题下载, 本站提供安徽省皖西四校2016届高三下学期第一次联考英语试题 人教版免费下载,http://www.2xuewang.com
1. According to the dialogue, what is the population of Shanghai? A. More than 1 million. B. More than 10 million. C. A million. 2. What's the woman's problem? A. She hasn't slept for three days. B. She has been getting up late. C. She hasn't been going to bed until very late these last three weeks. 3. What did the man think about Daryl? A. He thinks Daryl has a very bad temper. B. He doesn't think that Daryl has a very bad temper. C. He thinks that Daryl is a bad person.,大小:462 KB
《安徽省皖西四校2016届高三下学期第一次联考英语试题 人教版》相关下载
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