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高一英语上学期(必修一)unit 5 Nelson Mandela--a modern hero第七课时教案-高一英语教案

12-26 13:49:13   浏览次数:446  栏目:高一英语教案
标签:高一英语教案模板,高中英语教案模板, 高一英语上学期(必修一)unit 5 Nelson Mandela--a modern hero第七课时教案-高一英语教案,http://www.2xuewang.com
Good idea !        That’s an excellent idea .


   1). Read the text we have learned .

   2).Do reading exercise in the Best Design .


1.       Do listening task on page 72 .

2.       Do reading task on page 73 .

3.       Talk about a famous person or an accident you know from the newspaper.

4.       Homework arrangement



教案《高一英语上学期(必修一)unit 5 Nelson Mandela--a modern hero第七课时教案》,来自www.2xuewang.com网!http://www.2xuewang.com

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,高一英语上学期(必修一)unit 5 Nelson Mandela--a modern hero第七课时教案-高一英语教案
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