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To seek a good job

12-26 13:23:57   浏览次数:111  栏目:办公英语
标签:办公英语口语,日常办公英语,办公英语词汇, To seek a good job,http://www.2xuewang.com


    To seek a good job: Overall Ability
    Firstly, to renew your knowledge structure as soon as possible. The main differences between those educated people  and those uneducated people are the WAY of THINKING and the  self-educating skill. Meanwhile, the Internet give everybody  an unprecedented chance to search all the resource you need.
    Please NOTICE the language and computer skills are only the 2 basic tools in a successful career although those 2 skills also need to be improved practically. If you just count on them, you have to face the boring work day after day.
    Of course, I can't give you the details about what kind of knowledge you might need because different people have different interests in their careers and I don't want to  mislead you. To me, Management, Economy, Finance, Politics,  Military,History,Sports and arts. However, you may have your  choices.  
    Secondly, the more important aspect is your OVERALL ABILITY.
    That means what kind of person will be welcomed by the
    Let me show you the recommendation form of the Top 30 Business School of U.S.. We can learn how the main-stream  American assess the potential manager and leader.In comparison with others, how your recommender will  appraise you in terms of the following qualities?
    There are 6 degrees including Top 5% Unusually Outstanding,  Excellent, Very Good, Satisfactory,Needs Attention,and Not  Observed.
    1.Work experience related to management
    2.Potential for growth
    3.Ability to work with others,(Superiors,peer, and subordinates)
    4.Competence in area of responsibility or specialization (technical/organizational skills,attention to detail, ability  to complete assignments)
    5.Personal initiative, motivation
    7.Analytical ability
    8.Facility with English
    9.Written communication skills
    10.Oral communication skills
    11.Potential for success as an effective and inspiring upper-level manager

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